A longish but constantly interesting piece that tries to understand where we are through looking at history. Where we are? Israel, one of the most racially diverse countries in the world, is being called an apartheid state, college students identify with terror groups and endorse rape as resistance, college administrators just want to keep the peace and not deal with the larger rot. The writer here pointedly will not accept that.
A review of Matti Friedman’s book Pumpkin Flowers, which covers the years when was an infantry man in southern Lebanon. Good reading.
Eli Lake tells the tale of how Rome went from a republic to a dictatorship, and relates the history to present day America. You don’t need to be one of those people who are constantly thinking of the Roman Empire to enjoy this piece.
Kamala Harris supports the right of Israel to do what it needs to do to defend itself, but….And she ends up with the meaningless platitudes that has characterized American dead-end thinking over the past 20 years. 40 years? 60 years?
Eve Barlow being her irreverent and sometimes inappropriate self…
Niall Ferguson wonders what is more frightening: a Germany of resurgent power that can help protect Europe or a weak Germany that is unwilling even to defend itself.
A young Syrian woman tells her story of being abducted and held as a sex slave for six months by a member of the Hizboullah.